Newborn baby photography | Milwaukee baby Photographer | Infant Photography | Modern Newborn Portraiture » Milwaukee Wisconsin maternity, newborn, baby, child, family photographer

Newborn baby photography | Milwaukee baby Photographer | Infant Photography | Modern Newborn Portraiture bio picture
  • Thank you so much for visiting! I am a professional natural-light photographer specializing in pregnancy, infant / newborn, baby, child and family photography serving the greater Milwaukee Wisconsin areas.

    "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb" Psalm 139:13

    Being a parent is an amazing blessing. My desire is to capture the anticipation of your new baby, the beauty of your newborn, the joy of your baby, and the love between families.

    Thank you for visiting!



  • Hello!

Motherhood ~ Wisconsin newborn baby photography

This morning I heard a discussion on the radio about what Mom’s find the most difficult (as far as being  a Mother). The top challenge was the feeling that we, as Moms, must be perfect….. in pre-baby shape, home looks great & clean 24/7, kids well-behaved, etc.  And if something wasn’t checked off in that area, we are failing. I want to encourage all mothers that I understand the challenges of being a mom. It’s tough. I remember having our twins as newborns and being incredibly lonely… and exhausted. My husband and my friends (at that time they didn’t have children yet) were at work during the day. My days were filled with feedings, baby schedules, etc. My favorite time was taking them on stroller walks just so that I could get out of the house for a while.

Second difficulty was the thought that our skills are wasted if we are stay-at-home mothers. But, I promise that isn’t the case!


As a mom of 4 (#4 due in a few weeks), my life has obviously changed and I’ve adjusted to the new career of Motherhood. But, there are days I wish my house was cleaner (best purchase ever… Dyson vacuum- kids can push them cause they’re light, ha). Days when I wish the kids would always walk like normal human beings in the grocery store (recalling a recent time when my 6 year old daughter demonstrated her ability to waddle down the aisle like a duck). Days I think about how nice it would be to have dinner prepared (as I’m scrambling to make buttered noodles for dinner… time escaped me). Days when I wish they could always say “okay mom” when I ask them to do something. Days when homeschooling feels like pulling teeth to get them to finish their work (but, then the next day everything ‘clicks’ and they ‘get it’ – THAT is fun!). Days when I wish they would just all stay in their beds at bedtime without walking down the hall to ask a question (they are improving, ha!).

But… I can’t imagine it any other way. What an amazing opportunity to love our growing children. To teach, guide and prepare them for their lives. As far as I’ve heard, they ARE listening to what we say. And those of you with babies, you’ll see that they do. 😉 What we DO matters as much as what we say… likely more. For the moms who work outside the home … those hugs and stories matter in the evening (my mom worked outside the home and I promise I love her lots and lots). I think the toughest thing in our mom generation is to turn off facebook, pinterest, smart phones, etc, and engage with our children.

A couple weeks ago my Aunt passed away from cancer. Her grown sons both shared about how important she was in their lives. She loved them. She always had a comforting hug for them. She shared her faith in Jesus with them. She was there when they needed her. It was really encouraging to see.

I  feel I am rambling, but overall, please be encouraged that the love and joy you show your child(ren) matters SO much to them. Please know that the best thing we can do is love them, teach them, allow them to make mistakes, and allow ourselves to make mistakes too. Now as my 3 year old is standing here next to me wondering if I’m done working on the computer, I’m going to sign off. 😉  Know that YOU matter SO much even when it feels like all you are is a cook, chauffeur, maid, diaper-changer/laundry cleaner, doctor, nurse, appointment-maker, ….

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s out there! May you be blessed in your role as a mom!

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  • Please keep in mind that the ideal newborn session is held 5-10 days after birth. Please feel free to contact me for session availability as I will make every effort to serve you. Thank you!

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Warmly, Jill

  • Jill Velicer Photography

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